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Vanilla cream and oats cake

After a long time of deciding, planning and adjusting recipes, I finally put together a recipe that's is just the right amount of sweetness, fruitiness and crunchiness. I did stumble upon a few recipes that use the same kind of cream (which is by the way to die for) , but I never found a recipe that includes all of ingredients that i wanted in a cake. So normally, I invented my own cake!   I have previously dabbled in experimenting with crunchy oats as base instead of using biscuits. And its amazing! It's really easy to make and so delicious.  As for the cream part, vanilla pudding has always been my favourite ever since I was a kid. Mixed with whipped cream, it has such a smooth, fluffy texture that literally melts in your mouth.  As for the fruit, I used my all-time favourite combo: bananas, kiwi and strawberries. They go really nice together and hold well in the actual cake. Here is step by step preparation: For the base, mix sugar and butt

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